Chandramana Ugadi 2019

Y U G A D I or Ugadi : 06.04.2019 / Saturday :

Yugadi , beginning of the solilunar new year .
Vedic new year : YUGADI : 06.04.2019

Chaitra shukla pratipada of Shree Durmukhanama sanvatsara .

chandramana ugadi 2019, ugadi pachadi, ugadi preparation, Chandramana Ugadi, Yugadi
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How to celebrate ugadi

Get up early morning remembering Lord Raamchandra and do smaran of moon . Taking permission from elderly eat the flowery seeds of neem , nimbakdal bhakshanam .

Take a plate or bowl pour ghee into it , and see once face in it ,then look into a mirror .

Invite a good astrologer friend with contentment and happy frame of mind , listen to panchanga , excited and with enthusiasm , kings and organisational heads must participate in muhurta pariksha , observe the shakun . ( this will help in noting down events particular to kingdom organisations for that year )

In the morning one must take mangal snana ( head bath with multiple select herbs invigorated with mantras ) along with friends and family . Anointing the body with precious jewels and new clothes one must stay suchi ( pure and pious ) all through .

Worshipping Devatas and Dwijas with shodashopachaar , having done archana one must especially strive to take asheesh ( blessings ) of bramhanas .

Having consumed nimba patra ( neem leaves ) one must proceed to listen to Yearly predictions ( its results phala , varshajam phalam ) .
One must take oil bath , this will save from Naraka for the soul .
Oil is laxmi swaroop on this day and all waterbodies ( even tap water ) is gangaswaroop , and this tithi of year beginning is very auspicious for tailabhyanga . This will ensure relief from alaxmi ( all inauspicious ) alaxmi parihaar .

Eating leaves of neem prepared as concoction with jaggery and fruits , ensures happiness pleasure honour destruction of diseases , complete longevity all through the year .

Shatayurvajradehaay sarvasampatkaraay ch 
sarvarishTa vinaashaay nimbakadalabhakshaNam !


Note – All of you do vishesha panchamrutabhisheka to Shree RaghvendraSwamiji to get complete anugraha for the year .

Very much thankful to Chiran.

Y U G A D I : 06.04.2019 / Saturday :

What is Ugadi or Yugadi?-

Yuga + aadi = Yugadi – Meaning starting day of yuga. i.e., Yuga = era, Aadi = beginning.

It is the starting day of Kaliyuga.
Kali Yuga began on Feb 20, midnight 3102 BC. Kaliyuga started the day when Sri Krishna paramathma finished his avatara of dusta jana bhanjana at Dwaraka and at the same time Duryodhana breathed his last.

There are 4 yugadees.
Vaishaka Shukla Triteeya – Tretayuga
Bhadrapada Krishna Trayodashi – Kaliyuga
Kartika Shukla Navami – Krutayuga
Maga Shukla pournami – Dwaparayuga
(Brahma did the srusti of this world in suryodaya kaala on Chaitra Shukla Paadya – that is why it is termed Yugadi)

Yugadi as per Kaliyuga starta from Chaitra Shudda Paadya (Vasanta Rutu) “Samvatsara” means varsha, i.e., year. As per Hindu tradition, there are 60 samvatsaraas, each has different names. As per pouranika belief, we are in the 51st year of Chaturmukha Brahma. One day of Chaturmukha brahma = chaturyuga sahasraani brahmaNO dinamuchyatE – 4 Yugachakras to be rotated 1000 times. One time rotation of yugachakra would be 4320000 years. In Brahma’s one morning, there will be 14 manvantaraas. Now, we are in the seventh manvantara, the Vaivasvata Manvantara. Out of 432000 years, only 5115 years have been completed and we are in the 5116th year. We are in the 1937 Shaalivaahana Shaka. That is a shaka based on the date of founding of the empire by Shalivahana, The initiation of the era known as Shalivahana Saka to celebrate his victory against the Sakas in the year 78AD.

On this day, we have to get up at Arunodayakala itself (daily we have to get up at Arunodaya kaala) with bhagavannamasmarane – we have to take abhyanjana snaana. We have to get the idols of Srihari with Abhyanjana snaana using Oil and seegepudi (sheekakai). After doing the same the remaining portion of oil and seegepudi to be used for our oil bath.

We must have the smarane of sapta chiranjeevigalu –
ashwathaamaa balirvyaasa: hanUmaanscha vibhIShaNa: |
kRupa: parashuraamaScha saptaitE chiranjIvina: |

अश्वत्तामा बलिर्व्यास: हनूमांश्च विभीषण: । कृप: परशुरामश्च सप्तैते चिरंजीविन: ।

ಅಶ್ವತ್ತಾಮಾ ಬಲಿರ್ವ್ಯಾಸ: ಹನೂಮಾಂಶ್ಚ ವಿಭೀಷಣ: | ಕೃಪ: ಪರಶುರಾಮಶ್ಚ ಸಪ್ತೈತೇ ಚಿರಂಜೀವಿನ: |

After this, we have to do the vishesha pooja Then we must have the panchangashravana brahmana mukhena.

If in the morning it is not possible, then we can do the same in the evening also. We will get the punya of Gangasnaanadhi punya with the panchanga shravana
Bevu bella Samarpane – During Naivedya we must do the samarpana of Bevu-bella (nimbaka dala) and after samarpana to Srihari, Lakshmidevaru, Mukyapraanadigalu, we have to take that Bevu – bella by chanting the following mantra

shataayurvajradEhaaya sarvasampatkaraaya cha |
sarvaariShTavinaashaaya nimbakadaLabhakShaNam |

शतायुर्वज्रदेहाय सर्वसंपत्कराय च । सर्वारिष्टविनाशाय निंबकदळभक्षणम् ।

ಶತಾಯುರ್ವಜ್ರದೇಹಾಯ ಸರ್ವಸಂಪತ್ಕರಾಯ ಚ | ಸರ್ವಾರಿಷ್ಟವಿನಾಶಾಯ ನಿಂಬಕದಳಭಕ್ಷಣಮ್ |

Meaning – With the bhakshana of Nimbaka dala (bevu-bella, Our body will be fit and strong as a Diamond and it is sarvaarista naashaka. It raises our ayassu.)

Ingredients required – Jaggery, Bevu (neem), water,
How to prepare? – We have to clean the neem leaves, grind with a bit of water and mix jiggery into it, Bevu-bella mixture is ready. This we have to take after taking Theertha on the Yugadi Day.

Bevu or Neem leaf preparation symbolically represents the different facets of life – sweet and bitter experiences of life. Bevu Bella is just a simple mixture of fresh neem leaves and unprocessed broken jaggery. It ls symbolic to welcome the new year by first taking a mixture of neem flowers (Bevu) and jaggery (bella), which represents that we treat the bitterness and sweetness of life alike. Its significance is that life is a mixture of joys and sorrows and we should accept both in the right spirit.

Panchanga Sravanam – Why is Panchanga shravana required?

ಪಂಚಾಂಗ ಶ್ರವಣ ಫಲ

Panchanga = 5 angaas = tithi (day)+ Vaara (week) + Nakshatra (star) + Yogaa + Karana.
By knowing the Tithi for the day – We will get wealth (shriya)
By knowing the “Week” for the day – We will have vruddhi in ayushya
By knowing the “Nakshatra” – Our sins will be destroyed
By knowing the “Yogas” – “Rogaas (diseases) will be removed”
By knowing the “Karana” – Karyasiddi
In this way the panchanga shravana brings us good to every one who hears/reads

ತಿಥೇಶ್ಚ ಶ್ರಿಯಮಾಪ್ನೋತಿ ವಾರಾದಾಯುಷ್ಯವರ್ಧನಂ |
ನಕ್ಷತ್ರಾದ್ಧರತೇಪಾಪಂ ಯೋಗಾದ್ರೋಗನಿವಾರಣಂ |
ಕರಣಾತ್ಕಾರ್ಯಸಿದ್ಧಿಂ ಚ ಪಂಚಾಂಗ ಫಲಮುತ್ತಮಂ |
ಯ:ಶೃಣೋತಿ ಮಧುಶುಕ್ಲಪಕ್ಷಕೇ ವರ್ಷನಾಥ ಸಚಿವಾದಿಕಂ ಫಲಂ |
ಪ್ರಾಪ್ನೋಯಾದ್ದುರಿತ ಮುಕ್ತವಿಗ್ರಹಶ್ಚ ಆಯುರರ್ಥಮತುಲಂ ಯಶಸ್ಸುಖಂ |
ಆಯುರ್ವೃದ್ಧಿಂ ಪುತ್ರಪೌತ್ರಾಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿಂ ನಿತ್ಯಾರೋಗ್ಯಂ ಸಂಪದಂಚಾನಪಾಯಾಂ |
ಅಚ್ಚಿನಾನಾಮುತ್ಸವಾನಾಮವಾಪ್ತಿಂ ಯಚ್ಚಂತ್ಯೇತೇ ವತ್ಸರಾಧೀಶ ಮುಖ್ಯಾ: |

पंचांग श्रवण फल

तिथेश्च श्रियमाप्नोति वारादायुष्यवर्धनं ।
नक्षत्राद्धरतेपापं योगाद्रोगनिवारणं ।
करणात्कार्यसिद्धिं च पंचांग फलमुत्तमं ।
य:शृणोति मधुशुक्लपक्षके वर्षनाथ सचिवादिकं फलं । प्राप्नोयाद्दुरित मुक्तविग्रहश्च आयुरर्थमतुलं यशस्सुखं । आयुर्वृद्धिं पुत्रपौत्राभिवृद्धिं नित्यारोग्यं संपदंचानपायां । अच्चिनानामुत्सवानामवाप्तिं यच्चंत्येते वत्सराधीश मुख्या: ।
పంచాంగ శ్రవణ ఫల

తిథేశ్చ శ్రియమాప్నోతి వారాదాయుష్యవర్ధనం | నక్షత్రాద్ధరతేపాపం యోగాద్రోగనివారణం | కరణాత్కార్యసిద్ధిం చ పంచాంగ ఫలముత్తమం |
య:శృణోతి మధుశుక్లపక్షకే వర్షనాథ సచివాదికం ఫలం | ప్రాప్నోయాద్దురిత ముక్తవిగ్రహశ్చ ఆయురర్థమతులం యశస్సుఖం | ఆయుర్వృద్ధిం పుత్రపౌత్రాభివృద్ధిం నిత్యారోగ్యం సంపదంచానపాయాం | అచ్చినానాముత్సవానామవాప్తింయచ్చంత్యేతే వత్సరాధీశ ముఖ్యా: |

Very much thankful to Pujya Narahari Sumadhwa (Sumadhwa Seva).

|| nAham kartA hariH kartA ||


Y U G A D I : 06.04.2019 / Saturday :(General Information)
New Year for Hindu – “Y U G A D I “

Yugadi is the begining of Hindu New Year.It marks the onset of spring,of new life and new beginning. Hindus celebrate ‘YUGADI’ with great joy by wishing each other and performaing pooja and customary rituals. Read on to know more about this beautiful festival and it’s significance.

Ugadi or :ಯುಗಾದಿ / Yugadi Karnataka Andhra or Telugu

Yugadi (Telugu: ఉగాది, Kannada: ಯುಗಾದಿ) (literally – the start of an era) is the new year’s day for the people of the Deccan region of India. While the people of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka use the term Yugadi for this festival, the people of Maharashtra term the same festival, observed on the same day, Gudi Padwa. Yugadi is celebrated on different day every year because the Hindu calendar is lunisolar calendar. The Saka calendar begins with the month of Chaitra (March/April) and the Yugadi mark the first day of the new year.

The Lunar Almanac of the Deccan:
The festival marks the new year day for people who follow the southern Indian lunar calendar, pervasively adhered to in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra. This calendar reckons dates based on the Salivahana era (Salivahana Saka), which begins its count from the supposed date of the founding of the Empire by the legendary hero Salivahana. TheSatavahana king Shalivahana (also identified as Gautamiputra Satakarni) is credited with the initiation of this era known as Shalivahana. The Salivahana era begins its count of years from the year corresponding to 78 AD of the Gregorian calendar. Thus, the year 2000 AD corresponds to the year 1922 of the Salivahana Era.

In the terminology used by this lunar calendar, Yugadi falls on Chaitra Sudhdha Paadyami or the first day of the bright half of the Hindu month of Chaitra. This generally falls in the months of March or April of the Gregorian calendar. In 2007, Yugadi fall on March 19th.

Observance in Andhra and Karnataka:
The Telugu and Kannada people celebrate the festival with great fanfare; gatherings of the extended family and a sumptuous feast are de rigueur. The day, however, begins with ritual showers followed by prayers, and then the eating of a specific mixture of –
Neem Buds/Flowers for Bitterness
Jaggery for Sweetness
Raw Mango for Vagaru
Tamarind Juice for sour

This mixture, called “Yugadi Pachhadi”(ఉగాది పచ్చడి) in Telugu and “Bevu-Bella”(ಬೇವು-ಬೆಲ್ಲ ) inKannada, symbolizes the fact that life is a mixture of pleasure and pain, which should be accepted together and with equanimity. Certain communities in Andhra Pradesh prepare a more elaborate sauce, called Yugadi Pachchadi, which is a paste of tamarind, jaggery, mango, neem Buds/Flowers etc. The symbolism and significance of the preparation is the same.

Later, people traditionally gather to listen to the recitation of the religious almanac (Panchangam) of the coming year, and to the general forecast of the year to come. This is thePanchanga Sravanam, an informal social function where an elderly and respected person opens the new almanac pertaining to the coming year and makes a general benediction to all present. The advent of television has changed this routine somewhat, especially in the cities. Nowadays, people turn on the TV to watch the recitation.

Yugadi celebrations are marked by literary discussions, poetry recitations and recognition of authors of literary works through awards and cultural programmes. Recitals of classical carnatic music and dance are held in the evenings.

Ugadi or Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra Marathi:

chandramana ugadi 2019, ugadi pachadi, ugadi preparation, Chandramana Ugadi, Yugadi, Gudi padwa

The festival is called “Gudi Padwa” in Maharashtra; it heralds the advent of new year and is one of the most auspicious days for Maharashtrians.
It is customary to erect ‘Gudis’ on the first day (Padwa) of the Marathi New Year. ‘Gudi’ is a bamboo staff with a colored silk cloth and a garlanded goblet atop it, which symbolizes victory or achievement. Hence, this day is known as “Gudipawdi” in Maharashtra. The New Year is ushered in with the worship of the “Gudi” and the distribution of a specific “Prasadam” comprising tender neem leaves, gram-pulse and jaggery. The symbolism of tastes is the same as what is described above.

Vasanta Navaratri (literally – The 9-day Spring festival) starts on this day and culminates nine days later on Sri Ramanavami which falls on Chaitra Sudhdha Navami.

The new year as per the Solar calendar followed by the people of Tamil Nadu and Kerala falls around the same time of the year, in March-April.
The Punjabi new year, Baisakhi, falls soon after Yugadi.

It is believed that the creator of the Hindu pantheon Lord Brahma started creation on this day – Chaitra suddha padhyami or the Yugadi day. Also the great Indian Mathematician Bhaskaracharya’s calculations proclaimed the Yugadi day from the sunrise on as the beginning of the new year, new month and new day. The onset of spring also marks a beginning of new life with plants (barren until now) acquiring new life, shoots and leaves. Spring is considered the first season of the year hence also heralding a new year and a new beginning. The vibrancy of life and verdent fields, meadows full of colorful blossoms signifies growth, prosperity and well-being.

With the coming of Yugadi, the naturally perfumed jasmines (mallepulu) spread a sweet fragrance which is perhaps unmatched by any other in nature’s own creation! While large garlands of jasmine are offered to Gods in homes and temples, jasmine flowers woven in clusters adorn the braids of women. Yugadi is thus a festival of many shades. It ushers in the new year, brings a rich bounce of flora and fills the hearts of people with joy and contentment!

Yugadi marks the beginning of a new Hindu lunar calendar with a change in the moon’s orbit. It is a day when mantras are chanted and predictions made for the new year. Traditionally, the panchanga shravanam or listening to the yearly calendar was done at the temples or at the town square but with the onset of modern technology, one can get to hear the priest-scholar on television sets right in one’s living room.


It is a season for raw mangoes spreading its aroma in the air and the fully blossomed neem tree that makes the air healthy. Also, jaggery made with fresh crop of sugarcane adds a renewed flavor to the typical dishes associated with Yugadi. Yugadi pachchadi is one such dish that has become synonymous with Yugadi. It is made of new jaggery, raw mango pieces and neem flowers and new tamarind which truly reflect life – a combination of sweet, sour and bitter tastes!

Yugadi is celebrated with festive fervor in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. While it is called Yugadi in A.P. and Karnataka, in Maharashtra it is known as “Gudi padwa”.

Ugadi Preparations:

Preparations for the festival begin a week ahead. Houses are given a thorough wash. Shopping for new clothes and buying other items that go with the requirements of the festival are done with a lot of excitement.
On ugadi day, people wake up before the break of dawn and take a head bath after which they decorate the entrance of their houses with fresh mango leaves. The significance of tying mango leaves relates to a legend. It is said that Kartik (or Subramanya or Kumara Swamy) and Ganesha, the two sons of Lord Siva and Parvathi were very fond of mangoes. As the legend goes Kartik exhorted people to tie green mango leaves to the doorway signifying a good crop and general well-being.

It is noteworthy that we use mango leaves and coconuts (as in a Kalasam, to initiate any pooja) only on auspicious occasions to propitiate gods. People also splash fresh cow dung water on the ground in front of their house and draw colorful floral designs. This is a common sight in every household. People perform the ritualistic worship to God invoking his blessings before they start off with the new year. They pray for their health, wealth and prosperity and success in business too. Yugadi is also the most auspicious time to start new ventures.

The celebration of Yugadi is marked by religious zeal and social merriment. Special dishes are prepared for the occasion. In Andhra Pradesh, eatables such as “pulihora, bobbatlu” and preparations made with raw mango go well with the occasion. In Karnataka too, similar preparations are made but called “puliogure” and “holige”. The Maharashtrians make “puran poli” or sweet rotis.

Significance of Ugadi

Festivals are celebrated every year in the remembrance of past events. All the major Hindu festivals have their own purpose and significance, i.e., to show their relevance and importance in the context of the eternal world cycle of history. India’s rich heritage with its numerous festivals celebrated throughout the year, provides succor and faith, as each occasion has its own distinct value, beauty and ritual practice. Amongst the numerous festivals of India, Yugadi is celebrated with festive fervor in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. While it is called Yugadi in A.P. and Karnataka, in Maharashtra it is known as “Gudipawdi”.

Hindus have always given pride of place to festivals, as it is a time for getting together as families. The occasion can be based on a seasonal change, a social or religious theme. The New year festival or Yugadi comes close on the heels of Holi. While the strong colors of Holi start fading away. Holy is the purification of the soul by imbibing Godly knowledge, inculcating the divine virtues. The aim is to replace the vices with Virtues. Symbolically, it signifies thanks giving to celebrate bounteous crops as well as signaling the end of an old era and the beginning of a new era.

Ugadi name has been changed from Yuga Aadi (Yuga + Aadi means “Beginning of New age”). The ages starting from a major reference point are Golden age, Silver age, Copper age and Iron age and also known in Hindi as Satyuga or Krutha yuga, Treta yuga, Dwapar yuga and Kaliyuga. The very end of Iron age i.e. the Kaliyuga is refer to hell or “Naraka” or the age of ignorance, which our Puranas or even in Srimath Bhagavath Gita mentioned that the Kaliyuga is “the night of the Brahma, the creator of new world and the Satyuga is the Day of Brahma”.

It is believed that the creator of the Hindu pantheon Lord Brahma started creation on this day – Chaitra suddha padhyami or the Yugadi day. Also the great Indian Mathematician Bhaskaracharya’s calculations proclaimed the Yugadi day from the sunrise on as the beginning of the new year, new month and new day. The onset of spring also marks a beginning of new life with plants (barren until now) acquiring new life, shoots and leaves. Spring is considered the first season of the year hence also heralding a new year and a new beginning. The vibrancy of life and verdant fields and meadows full of colorful blossoms signifies growth, prosperity and well-being.

It is believed that the ugadi (Beginning of the yuga – Satyuga) will be the next age of the Eternal World Drama Cycle, i.e. after the Kaliyuga. The eternal world drama cycle repeats every 5000 years with 1250 years for each yuga as per the teachings of Prajapita Brahma kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya. It is the wonderful and colourful festival, because after the Holi (the purification of the soul by imbibing Godly knowledge, inculcating the divine virtues by replacing the vices with virtues) the New age, New yuga, and New era will be start. So, it is the time to change ourselves or to purify ourselves by inculcating the divine virtues.

Yugadi marks the beginning of a new Hindu lunar calendar with a change in the moon’s orbit. It is a day when mantras are chanted and predictions made for the new year. Traditionally, the panchanga shravanam or listening to the yearly calendar was done at the temples. Preparations for the festival begin a week ahead. Houses are given a thorough wash. Shopping for new clothes and buying other items that go with the requirements of the festival are done with a lot of excitement. It is said in Srimath Bhagavath Gita that the Body is the Cloth for the Soul, the eternal being, which takes many birth in the cyclic world drama (four yugas). When the eternal, imperishable soul takes new birth, i.e., takes new body as a kid, it is said that the soul wears a new cloth. Let us celebrate the Yugadi as a beginning of New age – Satyuga- of the world cycle.

On Yugadi day, people wake up before the break of dawn and take a head bath after which they decorate the entrance of their houses with fresh mango leaves. The significance of tying mango leaves relates to a legend. It is said that Kartik (or Subramanya or Kumara Swamy) and Ganesha, the two sons of Lord Siva and Parvathi were very fond of mangoes. As the legend goes Kartik exhorted people to tie green mango leaves to the doorway signifying a good crop and general well-being. In Spiritual terms it is said that the Lord Shiva, the Supreme Soul refer to the “Trimurthi Shiva” and also believed “Paramatma Shiva”, the one who is the Supreme Lord of even for Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar (Trimurthi) and all other deities. As the Spiritual Father of all souls, we are the one who have right to get Peace, Prosperity, Health, Wealth and Happiness through the festival of Yugadi by changing ourselves or replacing the vices with divine virtues with the help of Spiritual or Godly knowledge.

It is noteworthy that we use mango leaves and coconuts (as in a Kalasam, to initiate any pooja) only on auspicious occasions to propitiate gods. People also splash fresh cow dung water on the ground in front of their house and draw colorful floral designs. This is a common sight in every household. People perform the ritualistic worship to God, invoking his blessings before they start off with the new year. They pray for their health, wealth and prosperity and success in business too.
Yugadi is also the most auspicious time to start new ventures. And they will take jaggery and Neem leaves also today because Jaggery represents joy and happiness and Neem leaves represents sorrow. So those souls who come in the entire cycle of World drama can celebrate Yugadi, because Jaggery represents Krutayuga and Tretayuga which is full of purity, prosperity and peace. Neem leaves represents Dwaparyuga and Kaliyuga which consists of sorrow, chaos and impurity.


|| nAham kartA hariH kartA ||
|| Srikrishnarpanamastu ||

Article By Prasad J

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