Category Haridasas

Narada Jayanti

narad jayanti, narada jayanti

Narada Jayanti (Vaishakha Krishna Dvitiya) Narada Jayanti is observed on the day after Purnima in Vaishakha. Deva Rishi Narada, also known as Narada Muni is one of the Prajapatis and also one of the 7 great Rishis. Some of the…

Works of Haridasas

haridasaru, Haridasa, Dasa sahitya

  Haridasaru significantly approached the common man through their poems or kritis. They explained benefits of healthy spiritual living. Their kritis were in simple language which common man could easily understand. The poems and kritis of haridasaru is known as …

Sri Vijaya Dasaru and Divinity

haridasaru,Sri Vijayadasaru, divinity, miracles of sri Vijayadasaru

Divinity of Sri Vijayadasaru He prevented a woman from killing herself and her son. He looked after them as part of his family. Later that boy became his disciple and a very famous Haridasa called Mohana Dasa. It is said…

Sri Purandara Dasaru

haridasaru,purandara dasaru, brief history

The general opinion about his birth place is purandaragada near poona. But many scholars believe that he is from theertha halli and Sagar in Karnataka. Purandara dasa is also not new to Maharashtra. This is evident from the high place…

About Haridasas

haridasaru, Haridasa, Dasa sahitya

Over six centuries ago a devotional movement took place in history of south India especially in Karnataka. This movement is known as Haridasa devotional movement which is a part of bhakti movement. Haridasaru means persons who are servants of Hari…

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