Sri Vijaya Dasaru and Divinity

haridasaru,Sri Vijayadasaru, divinity, miracles of sri Vijayadasaru
haridasaru,Sri Vijayadasaru, divinity, miracles of sri Vijayadasaru

Divinity of Sri Vijayadasaru

He prevented a woman from killing herself and her son. He looked after them as part of his family. Later that boy became his disciple and a very famous Haridasa called Mohana Dasa. It is said that Mohana Dasa had another close brush with death and it was again Sri VijayadAsa who saved him.

He gave rebirth to his own son from his life of 4 years and another 7 years from some body.

He went to Kashi thrice and during one of his visits, the Holy Ganges was in spate. He took a dip in the river and sat in padmasana over the flowing river, all without getting his clothes and body wet.

Sri Vijaydasaru demonstrated his amazing mystical powers by making a dimwit recite and explain JayatIrtha’s Sriman NyAya Sudha in simple words (something which even very learned scholars find impossible to do).

Seeing his brilliance and scholarly attitude he has enormous followers and disciples. His followers include Sri Jagannatha Dasaru who has given the world with ‘Harikathamrutha Sara’, Sri Gopala Dasaru, Kallur Subramanya Charya etc.

He lived till the age of 79, showing the world the path to the peace and Hari bhakti through Dasa Sahitya.

Every year, during Karthika Shudda Navami, Dashmi and UtwanDwadashi his ‘Aradhana’ is celebrated in Chippgiri, which is about 3 miles from Guntakal. The location where the aradhana is celebrated is called ‘Sri Vijaya Dasara Katte’ (Vrundavana). Thousands of Madhwas attend and get his blessings.

Sri Gopala Dasaru, his chief disciple, constructed a temple for Anjaneya (Sri Mukhya Prana Devaru) in front of the ‘Katte’. There is a pond close by called ‘Vijaya Thirtha’. It is believed that during his third visit to Kashi, Sri Vijaya Dasaru brought Ganges and installed it in that pond, for the benefit of his disciples.

The old house where Sri Vijay dasaru lived Chippgiri has been preserved by his devotees, as also the Mahadeva and Srinivasa Temples that he used to visit. There is cave close by where the Sun god is supposed to have conducted penance.

It is believed that even to-day Sri Vijay Dasaru visits the spot in an astral form, takes bath in the Vijay Thirtha and cleans the Mukya Prana temple. One of the temple servants is supposed to have witnessed this miracle.

Sri Purandara daasa had a son called Madhwapathi. Purandara Dasa would visit the Sri Yanthrodaara Praana Devaru temple (Hanumantha) in Hampi and offer naivedya (divine offering) to the deity. Once, due to paucity of time, Sri Purandara Daasa asked Madhwapathi to do the naivedya. Madhwa pathi, who was a small boy, honestly believed that Hanumantha would literally eat the food offered to him. When this did not happen, the little boy became very upset and started punishing himself. To prevent this, Hanumantha appeared before him and actually ate the food, leaving behind a small portion as prasad. When Madhwa pathi returned home and related this incident to his parents, nobody believed him. To test the veracity of his story, Purandara dasa accompanied him the next day, and saw the miracle with his own eyes. He became ecstatic and told Madhwa pathi that he was very lucky to have obtained the grace of Hanumantha.

Sri Purandara dasa composed a total of 4,75,000 literary pieces (devaranamas, suladis, ugabhogas) in his lifetime. When Madhwapathi pointed out to his father he was 25,000 short of 500,000, Sri Purandara daasa told him that by the grace of Vijaya Vittala, he (Madhwapathi) would be reborn as a hari daasa in his next birth and make up the balance 25,000. Accordingly, Madhwapathi, the son of Sri Purandara daasa was reborn as Sri Vijaya daasa in his next birth and composed 25000 songs with the ankita(signature) of Sri Vijaya Vittala.

Overview of his Literature

Sri Vijaya Dasa composed many songs and Suladis. His style is very scholarly and full of words from Sanskrit. His thorough grasp of the Sastras is very evident in his works. His compositions are simple and lucid, replete with telling phrases and similies, like those of his master Sri Purandara Dasa. He was an ardent Vaisnava, extolling Madhva as the Saviour of mankind.

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Sri Vijaya Dasaru

Divinity of Sri Vijayadasaru

Sri Vijaya Dasaru Related Pictures


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